The Bowback Side Windsor chair is perhaps the most copied Windsor chair made today. It has been the most popular Windsor chair in our collection since the company’s founding in 1964. It is an adaptation of a chair originally made by Leroy Partridge, the current owner’s great uncle. The design has evolved subtly over the past 5 decades but is essentially the same and has been reproduced by many upstart Windsor chair makers.
Height: 38 1/2″
Width: 21 1/4″
Seat Height: 18″
Seat Width: 16 1/2″
Seat Depth: 17 1/2″
Standard: Maple Turnings, Oak Bendings, & Pine Seat
Optional: Maple Seat
If you would prefer, call DR Dimes and speak DIRECTLY with the furniture maker now. Call 603-496-1314